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collabender - A collaborative calendar done with Qwik!

collabender Cover
Couples, Friends, Families: everybody with whom you want to share your calendar
Time Management
Project Duration
12 months (Jun 2023 - Jun 2024)
Visit Website

Since I did not want Google to know that much info about me, I decided to start this project to have a collaborative calendar with my couple. It is a simple calendar where you can add events, delete them, and see them in a list. But also, you can create events that are only visible to you or to all the participants, choose category, state is partially managed from server using urls and cookies, and user name is fetched through just the password.

This application is part of my Udemy Course on Advanced Qwik. In this case, we are also using Turso for db and Drizzle as ORM. It is a project I could finish thanks to the collaboration of Finn.

Demo version needs to be created :)